Cost Efficiency In Server-Less Computing Using Queueing Models With Cloud Services

  • Jitendra Kumar
  • Vikas Shinde
  • SK Bharadwaj
  • DK Mishra
Keywords: Queueing Models, Performance Evaluation, Cloud Services, Total Energy Consumed, Total, Cost, Energy Efficiency


This  paper  examines  cost  efficiency  in  server-less  architectures  using  queueing  models  across  various  types  of  cloud  services,  including  Infrastructure  as  a  Service  (IaaS),  Platform  as  a  Service  (PaaS),  and  Function  as  a  Service  (FaaS).  By  modeling  these  environments  as  queueing  systems,  we  analyze  how  different  service  types,  request  arrival  rates,  execution  times,  and  resource  provisioning  strategies  impact  cost  and  performance.  Our  findings  reveal  that  each  cloud  service  type  offers  unique  cost  advantages  depending  on  the  workload  characteristics  and  that  careful  optimization  of  resource  allocation  and  request  management  can  lead  to  significant  cost  savings.  The  study  provides  actionable  insights  for  organizations  looking  to  optimize  their  cloud  service  usage,  offering  a  comparative  analysis  that  guides  the  selection  of  the  most  cost-effective  server-less  solutions  tailored  to  specific  application  needs.  Serverless  computing  has  become  a  popular  approach  for  deploying  applications  due  to  its  scalability and reduced infrastructure management.


Author Biographies

Jitendra Kumar

Department of Engineering Mathematics & Computing Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior

Vikas Shinde

Department of Engineering Mathematics & Computing Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, Madhya- Pradesh – 474005(INDIA)

SK Bharadwaj

Department of Engineering Mathematics & Computing Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, Madhya- Pradesh – 474005(INDIA)

DK Mishra

Department of Engineering Mathematics & Computing Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, Madhya- Pradesh – 474005(INDIA)


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How to Cite
Jitendra Kumar, Vikas Shinde, SK Bharadwaj, & DK Mishra. (2024). Cost Efficiency In Server-Less Computing Using Queueing Models With Cloud Services. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1320 - 1329.