Effect Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan against S.Aureus in Locally Bovine Soft Cheese in Babylon Prevalence

  • Amer Jebur Obayes Al-Isawi, Mohamed Ibrahem Rahma Sumod Abdul Kadhem Salman, Moaed E. Al-Gazally
Keywords: Dairy animals, Staphylococcus aureus, chitosan, soft cheese


This work focused on antimicrobial activity of chitosan , the result showed a pronounced antimicrobial activity against S. aureus with different inhibition zones. The highest activity was found against S.aureus by using  1% concentration with inhibition zones 18mm. S.aureus was completely inhibited at 1st day when the cheese was preserved in 40C with 1% of chitosan while in 0.5 % chitosan, the count of S.aureus was reduced until complete inhibition of the growth at 5rd day. So, chitosan is expected to show good potential application for the inactivation of microorganisms in food and use as natural food preservation material.

Antimicrobial activity of two concentration of  chitosan against S.aureus. A=0.5%chitosan , B =1% chitosan, S=normal saline
How to Cite
Sumod Abdul Kadhem Salman, Moaed E. Al-Gazally, A. J. O. A.-I. M. I. R. (2022). Effect Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan against S.Aureus in Locally Bovine Soft Cheese in Babylon Prevalence. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 514 - 519. Retrieved from https://www.veterinaria.org/index.php/REDVET/article/view/259