Relationship between water quality and soil in three Algerian dams (Ghrib, Ledrat and Beni Slimane).

  • Messaoudi Ayoub
  • Attou Fouzia
  • Ghennam Kamel
  • Nabi Fahima
  • Sadji Hamida
Keywords: dams, water quality, soil, water quality index (WQI), GLM, Monte-Carlo tests


Dams are seen as essential structures that store water for irrigation and municipal uses. However, the waters in the reservoirs of the dams are influenced by a multitude of environ-mental factors. One of the main factors that influences water quality in reservoirs is the characteristics of the soils in the watershed. The objective of our study is to evaluate the relationship between soil properties and the physicochemical quality of water in three Algerian dams (Ledrat, Beni Slimene, Ghrib), located in the Medea province. Seasonal sampling has been carried out to measure the physicochemical parameters of water and soil with a frequency of three stations for each dam covering the period.(November 2022-Aout 2023).The analysis of water samples focuses on parameters such as temperature (TW), electrical conductivity (COND), dissolved oxygen (DO2), PH (PHW), turbidity (TUR), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), calcium (Ca), chlorides (CL-), and phosphates.(PO-4).The soil parameters include grain size, electrical conductivity (EC), soil pH (pH), organic matter (OM), active limestone (AL), and total limestone.(TL). The waters of the three dams have been classified based on season and stations using the Water Quality Index (WQI). High WQI values were observed in the Ghrib and Beni Slimene dams, indicating that the Ghrib dam has acceptable quality compared to the Ledrat dam. The interactions between soil parameters and water quality have been highlighted by the model. (GLM). There was a strong correlation between electrical conductivity and active lime-stone and the electrical conductivity of water. Furthermore, factors such as soil organic matter and silt were negatively related to water quality, leading to an increase in turbidity and dissolved organic matter. These conclusions are supported by the results of Monte Carlo tests, which confirmed that electrical conductivity (EC), total limestone (TL), and active limestone (AL) have a direct impact on water quality in the three dams, suggesting their contribution to the increase in mineralization and water hardness. These results highlight the importance of managing water resources in an integrated manner, taking into account the interactions between soil and water, in order to better understand and preserve water quality in these aquatic environments.

Author Biographies

Messaoudi Ayoub

Yahia Fares University of Medea. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Life and Natural Sciences. Medea. Algeria. Laboratory of Biotechnology and Valorization of Biological Resources, Ouzra 26100, Medea 26100, Algeria.

Attou Fouzia

U.S.T.H.B. : Faculty of Biological Sciences. Department of Ecology and Environment. Algeria. Bab Ezzouar. Algiers, Algeria. Laboratory The living resources of economic interest in Algeria. Alger 1 University Benyoucef Benkhedda, Algiers, Algeria.

Ghennam Kamel

University of Algiers 1 Benyoucef Benkhedda. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Life and Natural Sciences. Laboratory The living resources of economic interest in Algeria. Algeria University 1 Benyoucef Benkhedda, Algiers. Mail: Algeria.

Nabi Fahima

Dr Yahia Farès Medea University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Nature and Life Sciences, La-boratory of Biotechnology and Valorization of Biological Resources, Ouzra 26100, Medea 26100, Algeria

Sadji Hamida

U.S.T.H.B. : Faculty of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Biology and Organism of Physiology, Team of Soils Biology, Algiers, Algeria.


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How to Cite
Messaoudi Ayoub, Attou Fouzia, Ghennam Kamel, Nabi Fahima, & Sadji Hamida. (2024). Relationship between water quality and soil in three Algerian dams (Ghrib, Ledrat and Beni Slimane). Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3325-3338.