A Study to Assess the Effectiveness Of Self Instructional Module On Hand And Foot Massage On Pain Among Post Caesarean Mothers At Selected Hospital at Bhopal (M.P.).
Giving birth to a new life is the most painful experience in a woman’s life, though she experiences the happiness later by carrying the newborn. There are many different methods for child birth Although vaginal delivery is the most common, sometimes caesarean delivery is necessary for the safest of mother and baby In this study, breast massage was used as an intervention to lessen breast engorgement. Quasi Experimental research design is used with the control and study group was used. A total of 30 postnatal mothers(15 in each group) were included in the study. Demographic variables & numerical pain rating scale was used. The study clearly indicates a considerable Reduction in level of hand and foot pain after intervention in experimental group.
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