Effect of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) on the performance of Broiler Chicken
Background: The present study was conducted to entitle “Effect of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) on the performance of broiler chicken”.
Aim: The study was carried out to determine the productive performance, feed intake, feed efficiency, liveability, carcass traits and the economy of rearing broiler chicken by supplementing different levels of giloy stem powder.
Materials and Methods: A total of one hundred and sixty day- old straight run Cobb 430Y strain of broiler chicks were randomly divided into four treatment groups namely T₁, T₂, T₃ and T₄ with five replications per treatment following Completely Randomized Design and were subjected to four dietary treatments containing 0%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1% of Giloy stem powder, respectively. The birds were fed with commercial broiler starter from 0-21 days followed by finisher ration up to 42 days. Body weight, weight gain and feed efficiency were recorded on weekly basis while feed intake was recorded daily. At the end of the trial period, five birds from each treatment were sacrificed for evaluation of carcass characteristics. The result of the experimental data was subjected to statistical analysis in order to draw a valid interpretation and to see the effect of dietary supplementation of Giloy stem powder at different levels on various parameters using ANOVA in a completely randomized design as described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). The mean values were separated by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).
Results: Dietary supplementation of Giloy stem powder affected the body weight, body weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, performance index and dressing percentage with the increase in the level of Giloy powder
Conclusion: On the basis of the above findings, supplementation of Giloy powder at 1.0 per cent of feed can be recommended of broilers under Nagaland's agro-climatic conditions.
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