Preliminary Pharmacological, Acute Toxicity Test And Anti-Ulcer Activity Extract Of Plant Caesalpinia Pulcherrima

  • Hemant V Deore
  • Jayashri A Patil
  • Aman Shelke
  • Umesh T. Jadhao
  • Ghanshyam A Chavan
  • Tanvir J Shaikh
  • Swapnil B Deshmukh
  • Rahul S Radke
Keywords: Plants, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Peptic ulcer, Phytochemical investigation, Anti-ulcer activity


Open sores on the inside of the stomach and upper portion of the small intestine are known as peptic ulcers. Stomach pain is the most typical symptom of a peptic ulcer. Caesalpinia pulcherrima, commonly known as peacock flower or Pride of Barbados, has been studied in scientific studies for its ability to cure ulcers. Caesalpinia pulcherrima is a species of flowering plant native to the tropical and subtropical parts of the Americas. It is a member of the pea family Fabaceae. Preliminary studies revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins in the aqueous and methanolic extract of Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Caesalpinia pulcherrima extracts have also been shown to protect mucosa by increasing mucin production and inducing prostaglandin synthesis. It has been frequently demonstrated that Caesalpinia pulcherrima extracts considerably lower the incidence and severity of ulcers in experimental mice. These findings suggest that it may be useful as a natural ulcer remedy; nevertheless, additional human clinical trials are needed to confirm these advantages. In summary, Caesalpinia pulcherrima's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and mucosal-protective properties make it a promising botanical treatment for ulcers. Future clinical trials should be conducted to validate these first findings and explore the treatment's potential for gastrointestinal ulcers.

Author Biographies

Hemant V Deore

DCS’s A.R.A College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule

Jayashri A Patil

NES’s Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule

Aman Shelke

DCS’s A.R.A College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule

Umesh T. Jadhao

SVP College of Pharmacy, Hatta, Hingoli

Ghanshyam A Chavan

SVS’s Dadasaheb Rawal College of Pharmacy, Dondaicha, Dhule

Tanvir J Shaikh

DCS’s A.R.A College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule

Swapnil B Deshmukh

DCS’s A.R.A College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule

Rahul S Radke

Tatyasaheb Bondre College of Pharmacy, Chikhali Dist. Buldhana


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How to Cite
Hemant V Deore, Jayashri A Patil, Aman Shelke, Umesh T. Jadhao, Ghanshyam A Chavan, Tanvir J Shaikh, Swapnil B Deshmukh, & Rahul S Radke. (2024). Preliminary Pharmacological, Acute Toxicity Test And Anti-Ulcer Activity Extract Of Plant Caesalpinia Pulcherrima. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1641 -1648.