Investigating The Impact Of Varied Intensities In Skill-Based Circuit Training On The Speed And Aerobic Capacity Of Inter-Collegiate Male Hockey Players.

  • Dr. Rakesh Bharti
  • Dr. Sunil Kumar
  • Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mishra
  • Dr. Rachna Sharma
  • Dr. Khagendra Kholia
  • Dr Vishal.O.Banne
  • Dr.Harinderpal Singh
Keywords: Skill based training, aerobic, speed, ANACOVA


Aim-The principal objective of this study was to figure out Impact of low and focused energy of expertise put together high-intensity exercise with respect to speed  and aerobic capacity between University male hockey players. Technique - To accomplish the motivation behind the review

Methodology- The review was planned as a genuine irregular gathering configuration, comprising of a pre-test and post test. 45 school men Hockey players going through degree course in lovely professional university  were chosen as players aimlessly and their age was between 18 to 21 years. Trial Plan - The review was formed as pre and post-test arbitrary gathering plan, in which 45 subjects were separated into three equivalent gatherings. Exploratory Gathering I (N=15; LISBCT) played out the Low-power expertise based aerobics. The Exploratory Gathering II (N=15,HIBCT bunch) performed Extreme focus expertise based aerobics. Control bunch (N=15; CG) went through no particular preparation program except for there rehearsed the customary everyday practice. Measurable Method – The examination of covariance was utilized to break down the massive contrasts, if any among the gatherings. Three gatherings were analyzed, and at whatever point they acquired 'F' proportion for changed present test was tracked down on be huge, the Scheffe's test to figure out the matched mean contrasts, if any. The 0.05 level was fixed as the degree of importance to test the 'F' proportion got by the examination of covariance, which was viewed as suitable.

Result – The consequence of the review demonstrates because of preparing on leg unstable power  and speed have been improved essentially.

Author Biographies

Dr. Rakesh Bharti

Associate Professor, Lovely Professional University,Phagwara, Punjab

Dr. Sunil Kumar

Associate professor ,RMP College ,University of Lucknow  UP

Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mishra

Assistant  Professor, Department of Physical Education ,Kalicharan P.G College Lucknow UP

Dr. Rachna Sharma

Physical Education teacher in Carmel Convent School, Malcha Marg , New Delhi

Dr. Khagendra Kholia

Guest Lecturer, SSJ Campus Almora, Uttrakhand

Dr Vishal.O.Banne

Professor, Department of Physical Education, RDVV,Jabalpur M.P

Dr.Harinderpal Singh

Assistant Professor , University of Jammu .


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How to Cite
Dr. Rakesh Bharti, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mishra, Dr. Rachna Sharma, Dr. Khagendra Kholia, Dr Vishal.O.Banne, & Dr.Harinderpal Singh. (2024). Investigating The Impact Of Varied Intensities In Skill-Based Circuit Training On The Speed And Aerobic Capacity Of Inter-Collegiate Male Hockey Players. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1633-1640.