Employees Satisfaction Towards Health And Safety Measures In Selected Hospital In Tamil Nadu

  • Pooja Abirami S
  • Dr. P. Marish Kumar
  • Dr. S. Asokkumar
Keywords: Employee Satisfaction, Health and Safety Measures, Hospitals, Tamil Nadu, Job Roles


This study investigates employee satisfaction with health and safety measures in hospitals in Tamil Nadu, addressing a gap in understanding how various health and safety protocols impact overall job satisfaction. The research utilized a cross-sectional survey of 455 hospital employees, assessing their satisfaction with personal protective equipment (PPE), workplace hygiene, emergency response plans, safety training, and regular health check-ups. The analysis revealed significant differences in satisfaction levels across job roles, with nurses reporting higher satisfaction compared to doctors, administrative staff, and support staff.

Younger employees also expressed higher satisfaction levels than their older counterparts. The study found that satisfaction with specific health and safety measures positively correlates with overall job satisfaction, with workplace hygiene and safety training being particularly impactful. These findings suggest that hospitals should tailor health and safety interventions to meet the needs of different employee groups and focus on improving areas with lower satisfaction scores to enhance overall employee morale and workplace effectiveness.

Author Biographies

Pooja Abirami S

Final year MBA, Department of Management, Vinayaka Mission's Kirupananda Variyar Engineering College,       Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (Deemed to be University), Salem


Dr. P. Marish Kumar

Associate Professor, Department of Management, Vinayaka Mission's Kirupananda Variyar Engineering College,      Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (Deemed to be University), Salem


Dr. S. Asokkumar

Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Mahendra Engineering College,

Nammakal, Tamilnadu.


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How to Cite
Pooja Abirami S, Dr. P. Marish Kumar, & Dr. S. Asokkumar. (2024). Employees Satisfaction Towards Health And Safety Measures In Selected Hospital In Tamil Nadu. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1554 -1563. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.956