Head Circumference And Length As Reliable Anthropometric Indicators For Estimating Gestational Age In Neonates: A Study In The Central Indian Population

  • Ganpat Choudhary
  • Dr. Vimal Modi
  • Dr. Dhiren Kumar Panda
Keywords: Gestational Age, Head Circumference, Crown-Heel Length, Neonates, Anthropometry, Central Indian Population


Background: Accurate estimation of gestational age is crucial for neonatal care, particularly in resource-limited settings where advanced diagnostic methods may not be available. This study evaluates the effectiveness of head circumference and crown-heel length as reliable anthropometric indicators for estimating gestational age in neonates from the Central Indian population.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 445 healthy neonates born at Index Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Indore, India. Neonates were categorized into preterm (n = 279) and term (n = 166) groups based on gestational age. Head circumference and crown-heel length were measured within 48 hours of birth. Gestational age was determined using Naegele's formula and corroborated by the New Ballard Score. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to assess the relationship between gestational age and the anthropometric measurements. Linear regression models were developed to predict gestational age based on these parameters.

Results: Both head circumference (r = 0.869, p < 0.001) and crown-heel length (r = 0.877, p < 0.001) showed strong positive correlations with gestational age. Regression analysis demonstrated significant predictive power, with R-squared values of 0.756 for head circumference and 0.769 for crown-heel length. Stratified analyses by sex and gestational age categories showed consistent results subgroups, reinforcing the robustness of these models.

Conclusion: Head circumference and crown-heel length are reliable, easily obtainable anthropometric indicators for estimating gestational age in neonates, especially in low-resource settings. Their strong correlation with gestational age and simplicity of measurement make them practical tools for neonatal care, enabling early identification and intervention for at-risk neonates.

Author Biographies

Ganpat Choudhary

Research Scholar, Department of Anatomy, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Indore, India

Dr. Vimal Modi

Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Indore, India

Dr. Dhiren Kumar Panda

Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar, India


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How to Cite
Ganpat Choudhary, Dr. Vimal Modi, & Dr. Dhiren Kumar Panda. (2024). Head Circumference And Length As Reliable Anthropometric Indicators For Estimating Gestational Age In Neonates: A Study In The Central Indian Population. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1528 - 1534. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.951