Performance Investigation of Multiple Effect Evaporator For Sugar Industry.
A number of process industries, including pulp and paper, sugar, desalination, pharmaceuticals, dairy and food processing, etc., have evaporators as one of their most energy-intensive components. If the heat from the vapour is not used, a single effect evaporator might be energy inefficient. Using multiple-effect evaporators solves this problem. Because Vapour bleeding is implemented, falling film tubular &Robert type evaporators are typically regarded as the preferred evaporator design in the cane sugar industry. The Quintuple-effect evaporator system model that will be created for this project has five effects. The model includes vapour bleeding as a way to cut back on the amount of steam used in the evaporator. Using waste heat while lowering steam consumption and heating power are the goals of multiple effect arrangements. This is accomplished by employing the vapour produced in the first stage as the second stage's heat source and the third stage's heat source. Condensate, feed and product flashing, vapour compression, and other energy-saving techniques are also available. Vapour bleeding improves the process's steam economy, but at the increased expense of the necessary heat exchangers. Along with designing this evaporator, we will analyse data to identify various stresses and develop a support system to minimise the evaporator's weight.Pinch technology is a complete methodology derived from simple scientific principles by which it is possible to design new plants with reduced energy and capital costs as well as where the existing processes require modification to improve performance. Pinch Analysis also analyze the process data using its methodology to predict energy and other design targets such that it’s possible to assess the consequences of a new design or potential modification before embarking on actual implementation . Energy saving in the Nigerian industrial sector has several possibilities, due to the fact that almost all the industrial equipment stocks in Nigeria were imported during the era of cheap energy. Consequently, they are inherently energy inefficient; the improvement of energy efficiency can provide substantial benefit in general to all sector of the economy of the process plants.’
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