A study to assess the knowledge regarding Jacobson Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique among undergraduate nursing students in a Sharda University, Greater Noida

  • Navaneeta Kalita
  • Ms.Suparna Alu
  • Ms Mansuni Thapa
  • Rinki Yadav
  • Mr. Aditya Anil Kumar
  • Nitya Modi
  • Kajal Teotia
Keywords: stress management, socio-demographic, muscle relaxation, physical consequences


A descriptive study was undertaken in 2024 "to assess the knowledge regarding Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation technique among undergraduate nursing students in a selected university, Greater Noida". The objectives were to assess undergraduate nursing students' knowledge of the Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation technique and its complications, as well as to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and a set of socio-demographic variables. The convenient sampling method was used in the research study. The study was carried out at Sharda School of Nursing Science and Research (Sharda University), Greater Noida, with a sample of 80 BSC nursing students from the sixth and fifth semesters. A self-created structured knowledge questionnaire was utilized to examine the level of knowledge of Jacobson progressive muscle Relaxation strategy for undergraduate students. The data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The reliability of the questionnaire on the degree of knowledge was examined using the split half technique, and the estimated value was 80. The study shows that 67 are moderately educated, and 13 have educated knowledge, totaling 80. The chi square test for the Demographic variables revealed a significant connection between the level of knowledge and selected socio demographic characteristics.

Author Biographies

Navaneeta Kalita

Assistant professor  , Sharda school of Nursing science and research  ,Sharda University

Ms.Suparna Alu

B.Sc Nursing Students , Sharda school of Nursing science and research , Sharda University

Ms Mansuni Thapa

B.Sc Nursing Students , Sharda school of Nursing science and research , Sharda University

Rinki Yadav

B.Sc Nursing Students , Sharda school of Nursing science and research , Sharda University

Nitya Modi

B.Sc Nursing Students , Sharda school of Nursing science and research , Sharda University

Kajal Teotia

B.Sc Nursing Students , Sharda school of Nursing science and research , Sharda University


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How to Cite
Navaneeta Kalita, Ms.Suparna Alu, Ms Mansuni Thapa, Rinki Yadav, Mr. Aditya Anil Kumar, Nitya Modi, & Kajal Teotia. (2024). A study to assess the knowledge regarding Jacobson Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique among undergraduate nursing students in a Sharda University, Greater Noida. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1672-1674. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.928