Impact Of Rehabilitation Program On Quality Of Life For Patients Undergoing Hip Joint Replacement

  • Wesam Mohamed Mahmoud
  • Magda Ahmed Mohamed
  • Samia Youssef Sayed
  • Mohammed Ahmed Abdelhamid Mahran
Keywords: Hip Joint Replacement, Quality of Life &Rehabilitation Program


Background: Hip replacement (THR) is the best standard surgical intervention that effectively alleviates symptoms and restores mobility and significantly enhancing their overall quality of life in patients with debilitating hip disease.

Aim of study: evaluate the impact of the rehabilitation program for improving quality of life for patients undergoing hip joint replacement.

Research design: Quasi experimental research design was utilized in this study.

Setting: Trauma unit at Assiut University Hospitals, Egypt.

Subjects: A total number of sixty adult patient undergoing hip joint replacements (Male and female) their age ranged from 20 to 65 years old from the previous mentioned setting with hip joint replacement and equally divided on random basis into study and control group, thirty for each group.

Tools: (I) Patient assessment sheet, (II) Rand Short Form 36-Items questionnaire and (III) Patient complication evaluation.

Results: A high percentage of study group were have satisfactory knowledge and adequate practice score level after implementation of rehabilitation program (70%, 83% respectively) and  statistically significant difference between two groups concerning total knowledge and practice, and quality of life score at (one, three and six months post- operatively) with p. value =0.001.

Conclusion: The current study showed that study group who implemented rehabilitation program following HJR exhibited enhanced knowledge, practice, and quality of life.

Recommendations: Discharge planning and teaching booklet should be available in trauma unit and distributed for all patients with hip joint replacement surgery using illustrated pamphlets.

Author Biographies

Wesam Mohamed Mahmoud

Assistant lecturer of Medical- Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University

Magda Ahmed Mohamed

Professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University

Samia Youssef Sayed

Professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University

Mohammed Ahmed Abdelhamid Mahran

Assistant Professor of Orthopedic and Traumatology, Faculty of medicine, Assiut University


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How to Cite
Wesam Mohamed Mahmoud, Magda Ahmed Mohamed, Samia Youssef Sayed, & Mohammed Ahmed Abdelhamid Mahran. (2024). Impact Of Rehabilitation Program On Quality Of Life For Patients Undergoing Hip Joint Replacement. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1857-1869.