Wired For Success: The Synergy Of Research Skills And Digital Literacy In Filipino Nursing Students
the study focused on the Research Skills and Digital Literacy of Filipino Nursing Students. The study targeted nursing students enrolled in various year levels at a private university in the Philippines. The study utilized simple random sampling in the selection of the respondents. Furthermore, the research instrument is divided into two parts. The first instrument was adopted from the study of Meerah et. al., (2012), wherein the research skills are divided into two parts (1) Information seeking skills and the methodology skills. To measure digital Literacy, the researcher adopted a questionnaire from Son et. al. (2017). The study yielded that nursing students have an average level of research skills and a high level of digital skills. Moreover, the study found a significant relationship between the research skills and digital literacy of nursing students. The study highlighted that research education for nursing students depends critically on digital literacy, which implies that improving digital literacy training will greatly increase their research capacity. By enhancing their digital literacy skills, nursing students will be better equipped to navigate online databases, critically evaluate sources, and effectively utilize technology for their research projects
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