The Role Of Administrative Empowerment In Promoting Community Health In Government And Private Hospitals In The Southern Jordan Region From The Point Of View Of Workers In The Nursing Sector
Objective: The study aims at administrative empowerment in promoting community health in government and private hospitals in the south of Jordan from the point of view of nursing sector workers.
Methodology: The sample of the study to which the questionnaire was distributed consists of a group of employees (nursing supervisor, nursing teacher, head of the nursing department, clinical trainer, laboratory supervisor) in the nursing sector.
Results: The results of the study showed that the independent variable administrative empowerment represented by its dimensions (communication, information exchange, delegation, motivation) has a statistically significant impact on the level of Community Health Promotion, and that the value of the determination coefficient (2R) of the relationship between administrative empowerment and its dimensions of community health promotion reached (98.1%).
Recommendations: The need to communicate with my colleagues in the nursing sector to exchange opinions and ideas, and motivate nurses to develop possible alternatives related to the decision and the nurse takes personal responsibility
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8. Website link (
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