Assessing Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater: A Comprehensive Review of NCR Districts in Haryana.

  • Dr. Garima Sharma
  • Sonam Thalod
Keywords: Arsenic, Heavy metal, Contamination, Groundwater, Human health, Haryana.


Arsenic contamination in groundwater is notable concern for environment and public health. This review paper is mainly focused on sources, affected areas, health impacts, and controlling strategies of arsenic contamination in groundwater across districts of Haryana, India. This review paper arrange finding from various studies of arsenic contamination in these regions and the health risks in affected areas. Also some mitigation strategies are discussed for improving water quality which contributes to arsenic safe water for future. Both natural and anthropogenic sources of arsenic in environment are discussed due to which levels of arsenic in groundwater are increasing above permissible limits. Contamination of groundwater with arsenic in it, can cause major health problem such as skin problems like hyperpigmentation, keratosis, skin lesion, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, developmental delay in children's and risk of cancer in liver, bladder, skin, lungs, and extreme arsenic poisoning may lead to death mostly among rural population of the affected areas. If arsenicosis patients were provided arsenic safe drinking water and nutritious food, they will show the sign of recovery overtime. This review also includes different ways for controlling and treating arsenic contamination in groundwater in every way possible with the help of government and locals by warning them about the risk to there health in present time as well as for the future generation. The different mitigation strategies discussed in this review paper helps to mitigate arsenic from contaminated groundwater and improving water quality in areas where arsenic concentration has crossed the permissible limits or tends to cross the permissible limits. This review paper also provides foundation for future researches and protecting human health.

Author Biographies

Dr. Garima Sharma

Associate Professor, Apex University, Jaipur

Sonam Thalod

Research Scholar, Apex University, Jaipur



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How to Cite
Dr. Garima Sharma, & Sonam Thalod. (2024). Assessing Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater: A Comprehensive Review of NCR Districts in Haryana. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1372-1379.