Potentiometric Determination Of Proton-Ligand Dissociation Constant Of 2-({(2E)-[(3E)-3-(Hydroxyimino)Butan-2-Ylidene]Hydrazinylidene}Methyl) Phenol And Formation Constants Of Its Complexes With Cobalt, Nickel, And Copper In Dioxane-Water System

  • Sharad Sankhe
  • Farhan Musa
Keywords: Ionic Strength, Stability constants, Metal ion Complexes, Stepwise Formation Constants, Potentiometry.


The first report of a newly synthesized ligand, 2-({(2E)-[(3E)-3-(hydroxyimino)butan-2-ylidene]hydrazinylidene}methyl) phenol (HDMHmHB), has been prepared. Coordination with metal ions of the transition element series piqued interest in this ligand because of its ambidenticity and likely multidenticity. Despite the ligand's likely two dissociable protons, our research shows that it is monobasic. We used a Calvin-Bjerrum potentiometric technique modified by Irving and Rassotti in a KCl and 60:40(V/V) 1,4-dioxane - water system at room temperature in an inert, nitrogen atmosphere to determine the proton ligand dissociation constant of HDMHmHB and the stability constants of its complexes with cobalt, nickel, and copper. The experiment was conducted under variable ionic strengths. The complex is formed in stages, with the complexed species' stepwise formation constants increasing in order of Co2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+ for both species. The ML2 species is the most stable.

Author Biographies

Sharad Sankhe

Department of Chemistry, Patkar-Varde College, Goregaon West, Mumbai-62, India.

Farhan Musa

Department of Chemistry, Patkar-Varde College, Goregaon West, Mumbai-62, India.


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How to Cite
Sharad Sankhe, & Farhan Musa. (2024). Potentiometric Determination Of Proton-Ligand Dissociation Constant Of 2-({(2E)-[(3E)-3-(Hydroxyimino)Butan-2-Ylidene]Hydrazinylidene}Methyl) Phenol And Formation Constants Of Its Complexes With Cobalt, Nickel, And Copper In Dioxane-Water System. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1346-1349. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.899