Analysis Of The Nutritional Contribution Of Arachis pintoi (Forage Peanuts) Under The Conditions Of The Ecuadorian Amazon

  • Hernán Alberto Uvidia-Cabadiana
  • Angélica Tasambay-Salazar
  • Jhoeel Uvidia-Armijo
  • Karina Carrera-Sánchez
Keywords: Forage peanuts, Nutritional contribution, Ecuadorian Amazon, Weight gain


In the Ecuadorian Amazon, the production of efficient pastures for feeding animals of zootechnical interest is affected by different factors such as: soil pH, high saturation of metals such as iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) and low nutritional levels of the earth's layer. Due to the edaphoclimatic characteristics of the region, high rainfall causes soil acidity which blocks the correct absorption of nutrients; therefore, pastures cannot meet their nutritional needs for their development, directly affecting animal production. The objective of this study was to analyse the nutritional contribution of Arachis pintoi (forage peanut) in a challenging environment due to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Amazon. The research was based on the review of related scientific literature such as: Publications, including articles, academic books and theses, to understand how these conditions affect the subsistence of pastures in the region. The importance of the association of grasses with legumes, such as forage peanut, to improve the diet of animals of zootechnical interest and ensure adequate nutritional intake is highlighted. Previous studies have shown that the inclusion of Arachis pintoi, in animal feed, it can result in greater weight gain, as observed in research with Pekin ducks. In addition, the need to consider the climate and soils where forage peanuts are grown to optimize their production is mentioned. Forage peanuts emerge as a promising alternative to improve livestock productivity in the Ecuadorian Amazon, offering nutritional benefits and contributing to the sustainability of the region.

Author Biographies

Hernán Alberto Uvidia-Cabadiana

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador. 

Angélica Tasambay-Salazar

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador

Jhoeel Uvidia-Armijo

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador

Karina Carrera-Sánchez

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador


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How to Cite
Hernán Alberto Uvidia-Cabadiana, Angélica Tasambay-Salazar, Jhoeel Uvidia-Armijo, & Karina Carrera-Sánchez. (2024). Analysis Of The Nutritional Contribution Of Arachis pintoi (Forage Peanuts) Under The Conditions Of The Ecuadorian Amazon. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2061-2068.