Evaluación Química Del Botón De Oro Thitonia Diversifolia Bajo Las Condiciones De La Amazonía Ecuatoriana Chemical Evaluation Of The Buttercup Thitonia Diversifolia Under The Conditions Of The Ecuadorian Amazon

  • Hernán Alberto Uvidia-Cabadiana
  • Santiago Nicolás Aguiar-Novillo
  • Jhoeel Hernán Uvidia-Armijo
  • Darwin Javier Sucoshañay-Villalba
Keywords: Thitonia diversifolia, Ecuadorian Amazon, Chemical evaluation, agricultural benefits


The study of the Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) in the Ecuadorian Amazon aims to understand its potential in agriculture and the environment. This plant, native to Central America and Mexico, has garnered attention due to its medicinal properties and ability to improve soil quality. The study was conducted at the Amazonian Experimental Research and Production Center (CEIPA) and the Amazonian State University. Leaf and stem samples were collected for detailed chemical analysis. The content of dry matter, ash, fat, protein, and fiber in the leaves showed an increase at 45 days of collection, reaching high levels of essential nutrients. The stems, on the other hand, presented significant variations, suggesting possible complementary uses. The evaluation demonstrated that collection time influences the plant's chemical composition, which is crucial for optimizing its use in animal feed. Crude protein levels range from 32.16%, 35.10%, and 38.49% due to the composition of Mexican sunflower leaves at different ages (15, 30, and 45 days). This study contributes to expanding knowledge about the properties of this plant in the Amazon region, providing useful data for its potential application in the agricultural and livestock industries. The research highlights the importance of the Mexican sunflower as a natural resource with potential benefits for both animal health and agriculture in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Author Biographies

Hernán Alberto Uvidia-Cabadiana

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Vía Napo Km 2 ½, Paso Lateral S/N, Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador. Centro de Investigación y Producción Amazónica (CEIPA)

Santiago Nicolás Aguiar-Novillo

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Vía Napo Km 2 ½, Paso Lateral S/N, Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador. Centro de Investigación y Producción Amazónica (CEIPA)

Jhoeel Hernán Uvidia-Armijo

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Vía Napo Km 2 ½, Paso Lateral S/N, Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador. Centro de Investigación y Producción Amazónica (CEIPA)

Darwin Javier Sucoshañay-Villalba

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Vía Napo Km 2 ½, Paso Lateral S/N, Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador. Centro de Investigación y Producción Amazónica (CEIPA)


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How to Cite
Hernán Alberto Uvidia-Cabadiana, Santiago Nicolás Aguiar-Novillo, Jhoeel Hernán Uvidia-Armijo, & Darwin Javier Sucoshañay-Villalba. (2024). Evaluación Química Del Botón De Oro Thitonia Diversifolia Bajo Las Condiciones De La Amazonía Ecuatoriana Chemical Evaluation Of The Buttercup Thitonia Diversifolia Under The Conditions Of The Ecuadorian Amazon. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1599 -1609. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.884