A Study Health Problems Faced By Women Sanitary Workers In Chennai City
The employment provides the empowerment in all aspects, the transition of women's states, brings many healthy and positive changes for them. Henceforth we cannot ignore or underestimate the inherent psychological and sociological problem of working women in general. In addition to the demographic factor, certain psychological and sociological factors influence the behaviour of working women in the culture context. Such factors remain unexplored and no one tries to make an attempt to study Indian working women, Moreover, research studies in the above said areas are attempted in this present study which aims to study the socio-economic background, standard of living, health, decision making and social attitudes with a view to prepare a prole of women sanitary workers. Majority (60per cent) of the respondents are facing discrimination based on gender. Majority 67 percent of the respondents having skin disease. Majority (81per cent) of the respondents are illiterate. There is a significant relationship between the age and years of experience and the domain 3 of quality of life of the respondents.
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