Data Visualization: Detailed Study Of Tools And Its Applications

  • Dr. Himanshu Mathur
  • Dr. Shruti Mishra
  • Dr. Raji Rajan
  • Mr. Sandeep Songara
Keywords: Data Analysis, DV, MS Excel, Power BI, Tableau, Tools for Visualization


Background and Research Problem – Presentation is one of the best ways to influence other parties. For example, company is presenting the progress of performance in the form of a table or verbal data presentation; it is significant to show data by using a graphical method or other creative dashboard to have a positive impact on stockholders. Data Visualization (DV) changes crude information into numerical and pictorial dimensions that recount a story. In today’s era, several software packages are available in the market for data presentation and visualization. Every company should try to incorporate these software’s into their operation to increase efficiency but on the other hand, It is also necessary to know about these softwares’ pros and cons and use their benefits according to the company’s requirements.



  • To explore the Concept of DV.
  • To know how DV is useful in the different areas of working.
  • Identify and discuss various DV tools for the organisation.


Data Collection and Research Method – Secondary Data and fundamental research were used for the research purpose.

Finding and Conclusion – Having a set of data is not sufficient for decision-making purposes. It is necessary to know the story behind data and what it says. The powerful DV platform enables business firms to present their data with actionable insights drive, valuable decision-making and improve all working performance. It becomes necessary for business firms or managers to be familiar with this software to be effective in current market trends.

Author Biographies

Dr. Himanshu Mathur

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Justice and Forensic Science National Forensic Science University, Delhi

Dr. Shruti Mishra

Assistant Professor, School of Commerce, Jain University (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru

Dr. Raji Rajan

Assistant Professor, School of Commerce Jain University (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru

Mr. Sandeep Songara

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Gyanodaya University, Neemuch.


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How to Cite
Dr. Himanshu Mathur, Dr. Shruti Mishra, Dr. Raji Rajan, & Mr. Sandeep Songara. (2024). Data Visualization: Detailed Study Of Tools And Its Applications. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1227 - 1237.