Role of New Media in Empowering Women: A trend in Patna
In the present times, Women empowerment in India is a much-debated topic and empowerment of women has emerged as an important issue in recent times. As per the theory of “Public Sphere “given by Habermas in which he explains that public sphere is realm of our social life in which every individual of the society without any discrimination of gender come together and share their problems and this public sphere which operates in a society try to solve the problems of people. New Media is giving women of our society this virtual Public Sphere through which they are voicing their personal matter and problems with full confident. By indulging in various activities through New Media they are moving towards the empowerment. New Media plays an important and vital role in women’s empowerment and its development. Media can create an awakening inspiration to achieve their potential as prime source of change in the society, we live in. With the growing dominance of New Media in day-to-day life, women’s lifestyle and their traditional thought and activity is also changing. Now the society is also seeing them differently as they were treated and seen in earlier days. Media can create an awakening inspiration to achieve their potential as prime source of change in the society, we live in. The present paper entitled “Role of New Media in Empowering Women: A trend in Patna will present the analysis of survey on 60 women regarding their educational empowerment, change in lifestyle, their awareness and on their increase in confidence and sense of equality. This paper will specially highlight the positive perception and use of New Media as a development tool to empower the women. his paper will present the analysis of survey on 60 women regarding their educational empowerment, change in lifestyle, their awareness and on their increase in confidence and sense of equality. This paper will specially highlight the positive perception and use of New Media as a development tool to empower the women.
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