Assess The Knowledge And Attitude Regarding Transmission And Prevention Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Among Adolescents In Selected Higher Secondary Schools Of Moradabad, U.P
Sexually Transmitted Infections are a major public health concern. Young adults have risk-taking behaviour and casual attitude, engaging themselves in risky sexual activities thus contracting STIs. This study aimed at assessing knowledge, attitude, regarding transmission and prevention of sexually transmitted disease among adolescent higher secondary school of Moradabad. Method of The descriptive survey conducted at selected higher secondary schools of Moradabad. On 100 adolescents’ students who meet the inclusion criteria. A quantitative research approach research design is one group pre-test design is chosen for conducting the study. In this design all the subjects were selected by Non probability purposive sampling. Pre-test level of transmission and prevention of STDs was estimated by using knowledge questionnaire & attitude scale. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result of The study identified 6% had poor knowledge, 93% had average knowledge and 1% had good and attitude 67% had agree,9% had strong disagree, 11% had strong disagree, 7%had neutral and 6% had disagree level of attitude regarding STDs. The study result adolescents knowledge mean14.5, median 11, Standard Deviation 3.91 And attitude mean 48.3 median 60 Standard deviation 11. Hence there is average knowledge and attitude among adolescents regarding STD. conclusion Findings revealed that the adolescent students had an average knowledge about STDs. Analysis of the attitude of the adolescent students revealed that they had an unfavourable attitude towards STDs.
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