Evaluation Of The Auto Surfacing Methods To Create A Surface Body Of The Mandible Model
It's not easy to design an anatomical structure for a surgical treatment. This is particularly true for the craniofacial region, which is made up of bone tissues with extremely intricate geometries. To make the most of the tools that are currently accessible in connected procedures with the building of the craniofacial areas, CAD modelers need to possess the necessary knowledge and abilities in both technological sciences and medical. The four patients treated at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery form the basis of the early investigations that are being presented. Using the ITK SNAP program, the mandible model's segmentation was completed. Two distinct approaches—organic and mechanical—were used in the Auto Surfacing module of the Geomagic software to generate surface body models. Next, evaluate the two approaches' accuracy in creating a CAD model of the mandible using the Focus Inspection and GOM Inspect tools based on a triangle mesh structure.References
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16. Olszewski, R., Szymor, P., & Kozakiewicz, M. (2014). Accuracy of three-dimensional, paper-based models generatedusinga low-cost,three-dimensional printer.Journal ofCranio-Maxillofacial Surgery,42, 1847-1852.
2. Boboulos, M.A.(2010).CAD-CAM&rapid prototyping application evaluation. Bookboon.
3. Budzik, G., Burek, J., Dziubek, T., Gdula, M., Płodzień, M.,& Turek, P. (2015). The analysis of accuracyzygomatic bone model manufactured by 5-axis HSC 55 linear. Mechanik, 88.
4. Budzik, G., & Turek, P. (2018). Improved accuracy of mandible geometry reconstruction at the stage of data processing and modeling. Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine, 41, 687-695.
5. Ciocca, L., Mazzoni, S., Fantini, M., Persiani, F., Baldissara, P., Marchetti, C., & Scotti, R. (2012). A CAD/CAM-prototyped anatomical condylar prosthesis connected to a custom-made bone plate to support a fibula free flap. Medical & biological engineering & computing, 50, 743-749.
6. Cohen, A., Laviv, A., Berman, P., Nashef, R., & Abu-Tair, J. (2009). Mandibular reconstruction using stereolithographic3-dimensional printing modeling technology. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 108, 661-666.
7. Figliuzzi, M., Mangano, F., & Mangano, C. (2012). A novel root analogue dental implant using CT scan and CAD/CAM: selective laser melting technology. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 41, 858-862.
8. Gibson, I., Rosen, D. W., Stucker, B., & Khorasani, M. (2021). Additive manufacturing technologies (Vol. 17). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
9. Huotilainen,E.,Paloheimo,M.,Salmi,M.,Paloheimo,K.S.,Björkstrand,R.,Tuomi,J.,&Mäkitie,A.(2014). Imaging requirements for medical applications of additive manufacturing. Acta Radiologica, 55, 78-85.
10. Kumar,A.,Jain,P.K.,&Pathak,P.M.(2013).Reverse engineering in product manufacturing: an overview. DAAAM international scientific book, 39, 665-678.
11. Liu, Y. F., Xu, L. W., Zhu, H. Y., & Liu, S. S. Y. (2014). Technical procedures for template-guided surgery for mandi bularre construction ased on digital design and manufacturing. Biomedical engineering online, 13, 1-15.
12. Manmadhachary, A., Kumar, R., & Krishnanand, L. (2016). Improve the accuracy, surface smoothing and material adaption in STL file for RP medical models. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 21, 46-55.
13. Marchetti,M.,&Stabili,D.(2018).READ:Reverse engineering of auto motived at a frames. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 14, 1083-1097.
14. Maret,D.,Telmon, N.,Peters,O. A.,Lepage,B.,Treil,J.,Inglèse,J.M., &Sixou,M.(2012).Effect of voxel size on the accuracy of 3D reconstructions with cone beam CT. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 41, 649-655.
15. Milovanović, J., Stojković, M., Trifunović, M., & Vitković, N. (2020). Review of bone scaffold design concepts and design methods. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering. DOI: 10.22190/FUME200328038M
16. Olszewski, R., Szymor, P., & Kozakiewicz, M. (2014). Accuracy of three-dimensional, paper-based models generatedusinga low-cost,three-dimensional printer.Journal ofCranio-Maxillofacial Surgery,42, 1847-1852.
How to Cite
K.Shanmugasundaram, R.Niranjan, & P.J.Aruloli. (2024). Evaluation Of The Auto Surfacing Methods To Create A Surface Body Of The Mandible Model. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1133-1138. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.826