Harmonic Sources in Power System-A Review
Power utility companies worldwide prioritize maintaining power supply quality, with harmonic distortion being a key issue. Harmonic distortion arises from non-linear customer loads, background harmonics from utilities, and renewable energy sources. These distortions create current and voltage waveforms containing frequency components, known as power system harmonics, which are multiples of the fundamental frequency (50 or 60 Hz). These harmonics can degrade power quality, leading to insulation failures, overheating, increased costs, signal interference, and equipment stress. The growing use of power electronic devices, such as rectifiers, inverters, and cyclo-converters in battery charging systems, renewable energy, and electronics, contributes to harmonic generation. Moreover, electric furnaces, light emitting diode lights, electric vehicles, transformers, and variable frequency drives are major harmonic sources. These distortions impact the performance of the grid and plant distribution networks, making their study crucial. This article offers an in-depth analysis of various harmonic-producing sources.References
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