Evaluating The Drying Performance Of A Solar PV/T Hybrid System For Drying Solanum Lycopersicon
The current study involved the development of a PV/T Hybrid solar dryer (PV/T System) which utilized solar photovoltaic (PV) panels to power intake fans and increase air movement. Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicon) was subjected to drying trials. An estimation was made on the drying efficiency and performance characteristics of the PV/T Hybrid solar dryer (PV/T System). Drying is a commonly employed technique for extracting moisture from food, often employed for the purposes of storing and preserving it. Fruits and vegetables are the primary commodities in the agriculture sector. Due to its exceptional nutritional worth, it is necessary to preserve it. Optimal preservation of a food's nutritional value may be achieved by ensuring its freshness. There are several methods for preserving this food, but the most widely used one is nut drying because to its ability to extend the item's durability. These goods can have a moisture content of up to, and in some cases exceeding, 89%. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of solar drying and sun drying methods in the dehydration of vegetables. Drying rate and weight. The chamber facilitated the transmission of hot air to desiccate the slices of tomatoes. The moisture content of tomatoes reaches around 85% during drying, which takes half the time compared to typical drying methods. The technology demonstrates a notable improvement when compared to the natural convection system.
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