“Partitioned Identities, Reclaiming Voice: Exploring the Intersections of Caste, Displacement, and Self-Assertion in Select Dalit Short Stories of Jatin Bala”
This research paper critically examines the intersections of caste, displacement, and identity formation as represented in select short stories by Jatin Bala, originally written in Bengali and later translated into English. The analyzed narratives, taken from Bala’s Stories of Social Awakening: Reflections of Dalit Refugee Lives of Bengal (2017), edited by Jaydeep Sarangi, include Story of Social Consciousness, Resurrection, and Martyr. The study attempts to explore how Bala’s works challenge monolithic representations of refugee experiences and underscore the unique struggles and resilience of Dalit refugee communities of Bengal during Partition of India. Employing a multidisciplinary approach, the analysis draws upon postcolonial theory, subaltern studies, and identity studies to reveal how caste-based oppression intersects with displacement and the quest for identity in the aftermath of Partition. Through vivid literary techniques, Bala highlights the psychological scars and persistent resilience of his characters, contributing to a deeper understanding of the complexities of identity formation and the intersectional nature of oppression in post-Partition India.
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