Role Of Automation And Robotics In Transforming The Food Industry

  • Punam Singh
Keywords: automation, robotics, food industry, productivity, artificial intelligence, sustainability, food safety, technological advancements


The food industry has been through drastic changes in the last few decades mainly due to the improvements in the technology of automation and robotics. These technologies have impacted on the production, processing, and delivery stages to meet the growing concerns of efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Technological advancements such as automation which is the operation of equipment with little human interjection and robotics which involves the use of computer-controlled machinery for repetitive or risky operations have become a norm in contemporary food production processes.

The use of automation and robotics increases efficiency by automating processes that would otherwise require a lot of time to be completed, for instance, sorting, packaging, and quality checking, also they minimize human error leading to improvement in the quality and safety of the products also, these technologies facilitate flexibility in the production. ne since manufacturers can easily change the production lines to meet the market demands. AI and machine learning enhance predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and decision-making on resource management and optimization, thus reducing wastage.

Automation started with mechanical systems in the middle of the 20th century and advanced with the appearance of Programmable Logic Controllers and Robotics. Recent developments demonstrate innovations in robotic systems for operations such as picking, sorting, and packing, and the increasing adoption of cobots that are integrated into the workforce. Future trends suggest the development of more automated systems, advanced agricultural applications, and improved artificial intelligence features that may revolutionize food production, security, and quality.

Author Biography

Punam Singh

Asst. Professor (IT), School of Hospitality and Tourism Studies, D Y Patil deemed to be University, Nerul, Navi Mumbai


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How to Cite
Punam Singh. (2024). Role Of Automation And Robotics In Transforming The Food Industry. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1119-1125.