A Comprehensive Review Of NLP Techniques In Machine Translation, Sentiment Analysis And Chat-Bots

  • Anindita Chakraborty
  • Dr. Shivnath Ghosh
  • Dr. Binod Kumar
  • Soham Ghosh
  • Jiniyas Biswas
  • Puja Rarhi
Keywords: .


paper presents an extensive overview of Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods used in chat-bots, sentiment analysis, and machine translation within the last six decades. We study how approaches have changed over time, from rule-based systems to the newest deep learning models, emphasizing significant advancements and discoveries. Included is a comprehensive table of literature reviews that highlights important advancements in various fields. A review of recent developments, obstacles, and potential paths for NLP research is included in the conclusion of the article.

Author Biographies

Anindita Chakraborty

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Shivnath Ghosh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Binod Kumar

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Soham Ghosh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Jiniyas Biswas

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Puja Rarhi

Department of Cyber Science  & Technology. Brainware University, Ramkrishnapur Road, Barasat, 700125, West Bengal, India.


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How to Cite
Anindita Chakraborty, Dr. Shivnath Ghosh, Dr. Binod Kumar, Soham Ghosh, Jiniyas Biswas, & Puja Rarhi. (2024). A Comprehensive Review Of NLP Techniques In Machine Translation, Sentiment Analysis And Chat-Bots. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1066 -1071. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.802