“Mechanotransduction In Dental Implants”
Dental implants made of titanium are placed directly into the bone tissue, which is a complex and dynamic tissue. This bone tissue not only helps maintain calcium homeostasis and serves as a hematopoietic organ, but it also acts as an immune regulator. The presence of a titanium implant during bone healing has recently been demonstrated to stimulate the immune system and cause type 2 inflammation, which appears to guide the connection between the host and the implant. This tends to show that osseointegration is a dynamic process involving a complicated series of reactions involving numerous host systems and pathways. Foreign Body Equilibrium (FBE) is a continuous equilibrium that occurs when osseointegration is not disrupted. To sustain the FBEs long-term integrity, the implant-host interaction must be improved further, notably when the mechanisms implicated in osseointegration breakdown start to function. The immune system may be stimulated as a result, disrupting the delicate balance between the osteoblast and the osteoclast, resulting in bone resorption. The immunomodulatory function of the Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) has also been investigated, and in this vein, the notion of osseointegration immunomodulation through therapeutic mechanotransduction, particularly by extracorporeal shock waves therapy (ESWT), has recently been postulated. Mechanobiology has allowed us to investigate the impact of mechanical forces on cellular processes, revealing the intricate cellular control involved in mechanical signal transduction. Not only bone cells but also MSC, can be stimulated by mechanical stimulation. Mechanical stimulation can also alter the cellular shape of immune cells, affecting their phenotypic and function.
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