Comparison Of Multi-Storey Building In Zone Ii And Zone Iv With And Without Rubber Base With Friction Pendulum System

  • Mr. Vishwanath M. Kumbhar
  • Dr. Manik G. Deshmukh
  • Mr. Ravikiran P. Jadhav
  • Mr. Pruthviraj H. Gund
Keywords: Seismic isolation, Rubber bearing isolation system, story drift, shear force, building torsion.


The structures have been protected from the damaging effects of the earthquake by the base isolation process. The establishment's growth of separators enhances the reliability of the structure builds. By using a typical seismic plan, seismic isolation and energy distribution systems provide an efficient way to increase the seismic efficacy of projects. Although conventional seismic design calls for additional strength and flexibility to sustain seismic loads, such solutions reduce seismic loads by altering the inflexibility and damping of the buildings. The base detachment strategy is one of the requirements in the plan of tremor safe designs that may be most important.

The current study used the IS 1893:2016 Code in the ETABS Software package to analyse a G+10 storey building in seismic Zones II and IV employing a friction pendulum system and rubber bearing isolation system. Rubber bearing systems for general buildings are compared in terms of seismic factors such as story drift, shear force, time period, and storey displacement.

Author Biographies

Mr. Vishwanath M. Kumbhar

M.Tech Student, Civil Engineering Department, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur. Maharashtra

Dr. Manik G. Deshmukh

Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur. Maharashtra

Mr. Ravikiran P. Jadhav

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur. Maharashtra

Mr. Pruthviraj H. Gund

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur. Maharashtra


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7 IS 456-2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice is an Indian Standard code of practice for general structural use of plain and reinforced concrete.
8 IS 1893-2016 Analysis of seismic zone and soil factor
How to Cite
Mr. Vishwanath M. Kumbhar, Dr. Manik G. Deshmukh, Mr. Ravikiran P. Jadhav, & Mr. Pruthviraj H. Gund. (2024). Comparison Of Multi-Storey Building In Zone Ii And Zone Iv With And Without Rubber Base With Friction Pendulum System. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1000-1010. Retrieved from