English Language and Its Features: An Over view of a Historical Aspect
The history of English Language in India commenced with the arrival of East India Company in 1600 AD, on 31st December with the consent of Queen Elizabeth of British. In th course of the time it was become as a foreign language and it also no longer stood as it and later on it has sustained as a second language of the country.
Suresh kumar E, Savithri J. History and Structure of English. PGRRCDE.
Ur. Penny, A Course in English Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Telugu Academy, Pedagogy of English. 2016.
PGDELT text books PGRRCDE; History and Structure of English, edited by Prof E Suresh kumar, Dr J Savithri, PGRRCDE.
A Course in English Language Teaching by Penny Ur.
Pedagogy of English by Telugu Academy