Geant4 Simulations And Modeling For Space Radiation Environment

  • Kavita Lalwani
  • Amit Yadav
Keywords: Geant4 Simulations, Galactic Cosmic Rays, Solar Particle Events, Trapped Particles,   Energy loss by proton, heavy ions, Space radiation environment.


The space radiation environment consisting of charged particles (electron and proton) and heavy ions gives a significant challenge to future space travels. Future space missions will rely more on accurate simulations of radiation transport in space through spacecraft to predict astronaut dose and energy deposition within spacecraft electronics. In order to accurately understand the space radiation environment, mostly Galactic Cosmic Radiations, Solar particle events and Trapped particles, fast simulations based on Monte Carlo methods are required.  In this work, a systematic simulation study of modeling the space radiation environment is carried out. The radiation flux and radiation dose are measured using Geant4 simulations.



Author Biographies

Kavita Lalwani

Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India

Amit Yadav

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, RBS Engineering Technical Campus Agra, India


1. Geant4: [Geant4 documentation].
2. ROOT: [ROOT documentation].
3. Badhwar - O’Neill 2014 Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux Model Description, NASA/TP–2015–218569.
4. The Badhwar-O'Neill 2020 Model, NASA/TP-2019-220419.
5. Optimal shielding thickness for galactic cosmic ray environments, Life Sciences in Space Research, Volume 12, February 2017, Pages 1-15.
How to Cite
Kavita Lalwani, & Amit Yadav. (2024). Geant4 Simulations And Modeling For Space Radiation Environment. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 981-985.