The Role Of Organic Scheme On Entrepreneurship Development Among Farmers In Mizoram

  • Mark Lalduhsaka
  • Dr. Lalromawia
  • Dr. Lalrammawia Tochhawng
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Agri-entrepreneurship, Organic farming, Organic scheme


This study examines the development of entrepreneurship within the context of organic farming in Mizoram, India. It explores the impact of government initiatives, such as the Mission Organic Mizoram (MOM), on agricultural entrepreneurship. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, including field surveys and interviews, the study highlights key factors influencing entrepreneurship, such as individual motivation, technical skills, and market strategies. The findings suggest that while organic farming offers a sustainable alternative to conventional practices, the entrepreneurial development among farmers is primarily driven by personal skills and intent rather than external subsidies and schemes. These insights are vital for policymakers aiming to enhance agricultural entrepreneurship and promote sustainable farming practices.

Author Biographies

Mark Lalduhsaka

Research Scholar, Department of Management, Mizoram University

Dr. Lalromawia

Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Mizoram University

Dr. Lalrammawia Tochhawng

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Mizoram University


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How to Cite
Mark Lalduhsaka, Dr. Lalromawia, & Dr. Lalrammawia Tochhawng. (2024). The Role Of Organic Scheme On Entrepreneurship Development Among Farmers In Mizoram. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 949-951. Retrieved from