Preliminary Studies On Aquatic Macrophytes Of Siddipet District, Telangana State. India

  • M. Srinivas
  • M. Madhan Mohan
  • M. Aruna
Keywords: Aquatic Macrophytes, lakes, Siddipet District, Telangana state


The aim of the present study was to enumerate the aquatic macrophytes of different lakes located in Siddipet district, Telangana state. The present study on identification and characterization of aquatic plants was carried out during the period, February to October 2023. The aquatic macrophytes collected from selected lakes were preserved in laboratory of Botany, Government Degree College, Siddipet. The study reveals the occurrence of 40 species of 36 genera and 19 families of Angiosperms. Out of these 5 species belonging to cyperaceae family was found to be dominant followed by Hydrocharitacae, Poacaae and Araceae.    

Author Biographies

M. Srinivas

Lecturer in Botany, Govt. Degree College (A), Siddipet, Telangana state.India

M. Madhan Mohan

Assitant Professor of Botany, Govt.Degree College (A), Siddipet, Telangana state. India

M. Aruna

Professor, Department of Botany, Telangana University, Nizamabad, Telangana state. India.


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How to Cite
M. Srinivas, M. Madhan Mohan, & M. Aruna. (2024). Preliminary Studies On Aquatic Macrophytes Of Siddipet District, Telangana State. India. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1053-1061.