Overview Of Pharmacology And New Treatment Approaches For Neurological Disorders Associated With Xeroderma Pigmentosum
The term "xeroderma pigmentosum" (XP) refers to a collection of uncommon disorders that are primarily defined by nucleotide excision repair (NER) dysfunction, increasing the susceptibility of those afflicted to UV light. A small percentage of XP patients—between 25 and 30 percent—have neurological symptoms such ataxia, mental decline, and sensorineural deafness. While the primary etiology of XP is known to be faulty DNA repair, there is mounting evidence that mitochondrial pathology may also be present. Although it seems to be a result of malfunctioning NER, this could accelerate the neurodegenerative process in these individuals. The majority of the pharmacological therapies for XP that are currently available focus on the disease's skin symptoms. In this review, we discuss how new treatments could be created using our existing understanding of the pathophysiology of XP help combat the symptoms of the nervous system. Furthermore, we turned our attention to potential novel pathways that target mitochondrial pathology because XP is associated with both neurodegeneration and malignancy.
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