Microbial Susceptibility In Raw Milk Due To Raw Water Adulteration In And Around Eluru, A.P.,

  • P.Bhagya Latha
  • G.Suresh Babu
  • K.VisweswaraRao
  • B.Karthik
  • T.Nani Trinadh
Keywords: Coliforms, streptococcus, Raw milk, Raw water and Diseases


Concerns over diseases linked to milk consumption are growing. Escherichia coli and Streptococci is a major foodborne pathogen worldwide. The water used during handling and processing of milk products can be potential sources of microbial contamination with possible negative consequences on food safety. Especially, the water used in keeping the hygiene of milking and milk storage utensils is crucial to keep the quality and safety of the products. Some E. Coli species produce Shiga toxin, which can result in symptoms including diarrhoea and stomach pain and occasionally even fatal consequences like haemolytic-uremic syndrome. Even though pasteurization eliminates E. coli, milk products can still cause infections. Commonly Streptococcus it causes throat infection (pharyngitis), tonsil infection (tonsillitis), scarlet fever, skin sores (impetigo) and skin infection (cellulitis).

This study was conducted to assess the prevalence, risk factors, and microbial susceptibility of E. coli, Coliforms, faecal streptococci in raw milk and unhygienic practices in and around Eluru. Taking pasteurized milk as standard levels, the microbial susceptibility in raw milk is estimated. Microbial contamination of public drinking water supplies poses a serious threat to human health. Adulteration of raw water in milk for its quantity found to be microbial susceptibility other than the unhygienic practices in dairy farm. Some known contaminants of concern in drinking water parameter tests, Adulteration tests and Microbiological tests are used to detect the hygienic condition of a raw milk. The milk-handling practices are poor in the study areas. The same bacteria that are found in raw water samples are Escherichia coli, aerobic bacterial count and faecal streptococci —also found in higher concentrations in raw milk samples. Hygiene levels to be improved during milk collection, usage of clean milk transport containers, usage of filtered water, cleaning of surroundings and animal milk teats during milking.

Author Biographies

P.Bhagya Latha

 Lecturer, Dept. of Zoology, Sir C R Reddy (A) College, Eluru.

G.Suresh Babu

Lecturer, Dept. of Zoology, Sir C R Reddy (A) College, Eluru.


Lecturer, Dept. of Zoology, Sir C R Reddy (A) College, Eluru.


III BZC., Sir C R Reddy (A) College, Eluru.

T.Nani Trinadh

III BZC., Sir C R Reddy (A) College, Eluru.


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How to Cite
P.Bhagya Latha, G.Suresh Babu, K.VisweswaraRao, B.Karthik, & T.Nani Trinadh. (2024). Microbial Susceptibility In Raw Milk Due To Raw Water Adulteration In And Around Eluru, A.P.,. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 925-934. Retrieved from https://www.veterinaria.org/index.php/REDVET/article/view/752