Numerical Investigation of Flow Modification Drag Reduction Technique Using Sharp Spike and Counter Flow Jet of Blunt Body in Hypersonic Flow

  • Shyam Singh Kanwar
  • Gajendra Kumar Agrawal
  • Sandip Kumar Sahu
  • Uday Khakha
  • Satish Kumar Gavel
  • Avinash Ranjan Patnaik
  • Sharda Pratap Shrivas
Keywords: Aerospike, Air Injection, Blunt Body, Numerical Simulation, Drag Reduction, Shock Wave Modification


This research paper presents a comprehensive analysis of air injection at the tip of an aerospike on a blunt body using numerical simulation techniques. Aerospikes are employed to modify the shock wave structure and improve the aerodynamic performance of blunt bodies, which are commonly used in high-speed aerospace applications. The study aims to explore the potential benefits of integrating air injection at the aerospike tip to further enhance drag reduction and flow stability. Using advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using ANSYS Fluent Software, the study investigates the effects of various air injection parameters such as injection pressure, on the flow field and aerodynamic characteristics of the blunt body-aerospike configuration. The numerical simulations are validated against available experimental data and standard empirical correlations to ensure accuracy and reliability. The results indicate that air injection at the aerospike tip significantly influences the shock wave pattern, resulting in a notable reduction in aerodynamic wave drag. The optimal air injection parameters were identified, showing a drag reduction improvement of up to 71% compared to a conventional aerospike without air injection. Here, air is injected from tip of the sharp spike. In this analysis, various jet (opposing) inlet conditions with different pressure ratios have been investigated. The studies have been done for 2 L/D ratios namely for 0.2 and 1. The steady, compressible, Navier-Strok equations are solved with classic SST (Shear Stress Transport) turbulent flow model for zero angle of attack at Mach number 8. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that air injection enhances the stability of the flow field by mitigating flow separation and reducing pressure oscillations around the blunt body. The findings of this study underscore the potential of air injection at the aerospike tip as an effective method for improving the aerodynamic performance and stability of blunt bodies in high-speed flight conditions. The insights gained from the numerical simulations provide a valuable foundation for the development of advanced aerospace vehicle designs. Future research will focus on refining the air injection strategies and extending the analysis to different aerodynamic configurations and flight regimes.



Author Biographies

Shyam Singh Kanwar

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India

Gajendra Kumar Agrawal

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India

Sandip Kumar Sahu

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India

Uday Khakha

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India

Satish Kumar Gavel

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India

Avinash Ranjan Patnaik

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India

Sharda Pratap Shrivas

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chouksey Engineering College Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India


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How to Cite
Shyam Singh Kanwar, Gajendra Kumar Agrawal, Sandip Kumar Sahu, Uday Khakha, Satish Kumar Gavel, Avinash Ranjan Patnaik, & Sharda Pratap Shrivas. (2024). Numerical Investigation of Flow Modification Drag Reduction Technique Using Sharp Spike and Counter Flow Jet of Blunt Body in Hypersonic Flow. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 844-851.