Exploring The Impact Of Demographic Variables On Consumer Behaviour And The Mediating Function Of Brand Equity Within The Personal Care Products Sector
This study intends to analyze the mediating function of brand equity and the effects of demographic factors on consumer behavior in the personal care products industry. The study was carried out in Bengaluru, India. Using the random sampling technique, a sample of 996 respondents was chosen and data was collected through a well-structured questionnaire. Age, gender, occupation, income levels, marital status and educational level were among the demographic variables that were looked at in this study. The findings revealed that consumer behaviour in the personal care product industry was not significantly impacted by these demographic factors. Hypothesis testing revealed no significant differences based on these selected demographic factors except significant differences in means were seen when comparing the 35–40 and 30-35 age groups, the 40–45 and 35–40 age groups, and the 45–50 age groups. On the other hand, Brand equity has come to be seen as a key mediating element, with a strong positive direct relationship with Consumer Behaviour (0.148). No indirect relationship is observed with consumer behaviour, which states that Brand equity did not have an impact on Consumer behaviour through other variables in this study. These results indicate how crucial it is to create and leverage brand equity in order to engage the personal care products industry successfully and create customer care marketing tactics. This study adds to the body of knowledge by illuminating how brand equity, consumer behaviour, and demographic variables interact.
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