Estimating Traffic Density In Real-Time Using Enhanced Deep Learning Model

  • Kirti Singh
  • Dr. Deepak Sharma
Keywords: Intelligent Transportation System, YOLO, Traffic Density, Deep Learning, Vehicle recognition.


In the field of transportation where cars are becoming more and more common metropolitan areas are experiencing an increase in traffic congestion. Using advanced technologies in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) has emerged as a viable solution to address this. ITS essentials like vehicle detection and counting help with traffic control and urban planning. Using current developments in Deep Learning (DL), especially with regard to the You Only Look Once (YOLO) model. By utilising object identification capabilities, the model precisely counts cars inside designated locations helping to identify congested zones and peak traffic hours. This work provides a real-time traffic density estimation technique. The work optimises the YOLOv8 model for better performance and uses the COCO benchmark dataset for vehicle detection. Through comprehensive performance evaluation including learning curve analysis, confusion matrix assessment and performance metrics evaluation the model demonstrates high accuracy and generalization capability. Inference and generalisation on test data demonstrate real-world applicability and demonstrate the model's efficacy in real-world circumstances. Inference and generalisation on test data demonstrate real-world applicability and demonstrate the model's efficacy in real-world circumstances.

Author Biographies

Kirti Singh

Research Scholar 

Dr. Deepak Sharma

Professor, Head Of Department, MONAD University, Hapur U.P.  


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How to Cite
Kirti Singh, & Dr. Deepak Sharma. (2024). Estimating Traffic Density In Real-Time Using Enhanced Deep Learning Model. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 767-774.