Determination of Lethal concentration (LC50) of copper sulphate in Labeo Rohita.

  • Rangampeta Rajeshwari
  • Dr. S. Padmaja
Keywords: LC50, Toxicity, CuSo4. 5H2o, Labeo rohita


The Present study determination of (LC50 Values) acute toxicity of Indian major cart Labeo Rohita obtain the test organisms 160 Fish fingerlings from the Lake irrespective of sex with the help of local Fisherman, the fish divided into four groups to maintain the aeration all the daily observed and dead fishes removed immediately fishes were rinsed with 0.1% and 4k Mn o4 to avoid infection and were acclimatized to two weeks for laboratory prior to experiments 8 experimental groups (with 3 replicates) and experimental dose of copper sulphate 20mg/L, 40mg/L, 60 mg/L, 80mg/L, 100mg/L, 120mg/L, 140mg/L, 280mg/L along with control (0 mg/L). Physicochemical parameters such as pH (7.2), Turbidity, Biological Oxygen demand (BOD)(3.17), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(3.47), Hardness(240.75), Alkalinity(80.25). The LC50 value at 96 hr was found to be 52.04 mg/L to Labeo rohita. Copper concentration was more toxic to Labeo rohita.  

Author Biographies

Rangampeta Rajeshwari

Research Scholar Dept. of Zoology, University College of Science, Osmania University-Hyderabad.

Dr. S. Padmaja

Associate Professor Dept. of Zoology, University College of Science, Osmania University-Hyderabad.


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How to Cite
Rangampeta Rajeshwari, & Dr. S. Padmaja. (2024). Determination of Lethal concentration (LC50) of copper sulphate in Labeo Rohita. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 761-766.