First Record of The Pterygoplichthys Gibbiceps (Exotic Invasive Catfish) In The Munneru River Of Khammam (D) Telangana.

  • Dr.P.Ayodhya Reddy
  • Dr.T.Jagadeeshwara chari
  • Bhukya Saikumar
  • Dharavath Ram kumar
Keywords: p.pardalis, p.gibbiceps, catfish, morphological


Pterygoplichthys fishes are catfishes under order siluriformes and family Loricariidae native to South America and an important resource for the ornamental fish industry. Recently, studies reveals that the exotic populations have been introduced into the rivers in five continents . Despite its commercial and environmental importance, P. pardalis is identified in various rivers throughout Telangana state in the recent times there are Seven introduced species or hybrids of the genus Pterygoplichthys have been reported from five continents, plus an extended range in their native South America, and twenty-one countries, in the present study we have collected p.gibbiceps from munneru river this is an exotic invansive leopard catfish of genus Pterygoplichthys due to the patterns arrangement the fish body resembles a leopard , The fish were identified based on morphological tests. these fishes are considered a threat to the freshwater fish population Color pattern is generally dark brown with either darker spots or lighter spots or vermiculation’s, The adult size of this genus of Pterygoplichthys can grow between 50–70 cm. 

Author Biographies

Dr.P.Ayodhya Reddy

Associate Professor of Zoology, Government Degree & PG College (A) Siddipet, Telangana, India

Dr.T.Jagadeeshwara chari

Lecturer In Fisheries, Government Degree & PG College (A) Siddipet, Telangana, India.

Bhukya Saikumar

M.Sc. Fisheries Pursuing, Government Degree & PG College (A) Siddipet, Telangana, India. 

Dharavath Ram kumar

Lecturer In Fisheries, Government Degree & PG College (A) Siddipet, Telangana, India. 


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How to Cite
Dr.P.Ayodhya Reddy, Dr.T.Jagadeeshwara chari, Bhukya Saikumar, & Dharavath Ram kumar. (2024). First Record of The Pterygoplichthys Gibbiceps (Exotic Invasive Catfish) In The Munneru River Of Khammam (D) Telangana. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 755-760.