Novel Control of PV-Battery Powered Standalone Power Supply System with Neuro-Fuzzy Controller
Photovoltaic (PV) powered standalone electrical power supply systems are becoming more precious networks nowadays worldwide. Many challenging tasks are existed in PV based standalone systems due to random changes in solar irradiances, load and it is absent during nighttime. Innovative controllers are necessary to uphold power quality in these systems. A battery pack is required in this standalone system since solar irradiance is unpredictable and in order to provide continuous stable power to electrical loads during no irradiance. Therefore, a battery bank is connected to a standalone unit via a DC to DC bidirectional circuit. The maximum power point tracking converter, in conjunction with the perturbed and observe algorithm, is employed to optimize the operation of the PV system and enhance the overall efficiency of the system. Neuro-Fuzzy controller based novel controller is designed for both inverter as well as bidirectional circuit to supply quality power to both single and three phase loads. Comprehensive findings have been showcased and accessed via hardware-in-loop testing on the OPAL-RT platform to optimize the suggested controller for a 1MW standalone system in various scenarios.
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