Culture Of Litopenaeus Vannamei At Pittalanka Krishna (Dist.)
Litopeneaus vannamei and Peneaus vannamei are the same one & there are various common names such as Pacific white shrimp, white shrimp, vanamei shrimp. In India, the aquaculture industry is creating at an exasperating rate bewildering a few major impediments (sickness flare-up and defilement) during its advancement (Lightne r& Redman 1998). The higher stocking thickness and down-and-out water quality organization might be the reason for the ailment scene. To overcome these issues, an extraordinary and viable shrimp developing unit is required. Hatchlings choose a basic as it will choose the execution and era of the lakes. The objective of larvae selection larvae is to obtain best survival and growthin the pond. Get post-hatchlings from authorized SPF-specific pathogen-free hatcheries and select the hatching centres that have made awesome shrimp in the past or have an awesome reputation. Standard checking, disease expectation, and capable development sharpen contribute to a viable and useful aquaculture operation.
K.Pavan kumar, 2024 Types of disease and management in litopenaeus vannamei, IJCSP24A1072,IJCSPUB,Volume 14, issue 1 February 2024 ISSN 2250-1770 653-664
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