The Domino Effect: Air Pollution And Human Health In Iraq, Sources And Effects.

  • Sanarya Burhan Ahmed
Keywords: Air pollution, Health complications, respiratory complications, cardiovascular complications, aromatic hydrocarbons, ozone, heavy metals


This investigation focuses on clarifying air pollution in the diverse regions of Iraq giving a strong attention towards the gaseous emissions of many types which are released into the atmosphere. Outstanding gases which have been noted carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide gases, ozone and Sulphur oxide gases. In addition to that, there are also suspended particles, heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. This investigation reveals that the critical sources of these pollutants comprise of the oil industry, vehicles, fossil fuel combustion dust storms and the brick and cement production industry. The volumes of these emissions are currently exceeding the International Standard Criteria and the effects has been exhibited on human health where the population is developing respiratory and cardiovascular complications due to these gases. The implications of air pollution are felt by public health and there is need to explore the relationship between socio-economic factors with air pollution rate. This is very critical when the goal is to reduce the rate of pollution in Iraq. Gaseous chemicals recorded to be noxious have been noted to affect the health of humans and the chemicals include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and carbon monoxide. Making use of quantitative analysis results show that carbon monoxide, lead and particulate matter are high in cities like Basra, Al-Najaf and Basra, respectively. The highest level of copper has been detected in Duhok with 2710ppm in 2020 and Lead has a concentration of 95.21 ug/m3 in 2017 in Basra. In addition to that carbon monoxide has been staged at 9.127ppm in Karbala whilst particulate matter in Al-Najaf is staged at 9480.17Ug/m3 in 2015. There is also need to apply the right interventions for the purpose of mitigating the impacts of air pollution. In a nutshell, the focus of this analogy is exposing the nexus between air pollution and health-care in Iraq. Simultaneously, there is need for concerted efforts from all stakeholders to manage the pollutants in the atmosphere.

Author Biography

Sanarya Burhan Ahmed

Department of Pharmacy, Noble Technical Institute, Kurdistan region, Iraq.


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How to Cite
Sanarya Burhan Ahmed. (2024). The Domino Effect: Air Pollution And Human Health In Iraq, Sources And Effects. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 717-725. Retrieved from