Investigating the Influence of Employee Input on Leadership Efficacy within the Banking Industry

  • Ms. Noyel Maria Babu
  • Ms. Namitha K Thambi
Keywords: Employee Input, Leadership Efficacy, Workplace Dynamics, Organizational Success, Transformational Leadership.


The evolving workplace dynamics highlight the crucial role of employees in organizational success, with leadership playing a pivotal role in fostering and facilitating employee input. The study, encompassing 462 employees from the top 26 banking institutions in India, demonstrates a positive relationship between various forms of employee voice and the adoption of transformational leadership styles. Transformational leaders cultivate an environment conducive to employee input by fostering trust, openness, and a shared vision. In return, employee voice enriches the effectiveness of transformational leadership by providing valuable insights and a nuanced understanding of organizational dynamics. The study underscores the importance of integrating employee voice and transformational leadership, offering practical strategies such as active listening, empowerment, recognition, and transparent communication to foster a harmonious relationship. By embracing these strategies, organizations can leverage the collective intelligence of their workforce, adapt to change, and achieve sustained growth, contributing to the ongoing discourse on organizational dynamics and optimizing workplace cultures for long-term success.

Author Biographies

Ms. Noyel Maria Babu

Assistant Professor, Girideepam Business School, Kottayam

Ms. Namitha K Thambi

Assistant Professor, Girideepam Business School, Kottayam



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How to Cite
Ms. Noyel Maria Babu, & Ms. Namitha K Thambi. (2024). Investigating the Influence of Employee Input on Leadership Efficacy within the Banking Industry. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 692-698. Retrieved from