“Study Of Phonemes For Native-Speakers: A Review"

  • Dr. Poornima Arora
  • Ms. Deepti Tiwari
  • Jitendra Mewada
Keywords: Phonetics, Phonology, English Sound Symbols, L2 & L1 comparison, English Pronunciation


The relationship between English (L2) sound symbols and English (L2) spelling poses a persistent challenge in both teaching and learning English pronunciation. This issue not only affects learners but also confuses trainers seeking connections between spoken and written English. Research findings indicate that the high unemployment rate among graduates is often linked to their low English proficiency and inadequate communication skills is also a prominent issue.This challenge is particularly pronounced for Indian students whose First Language (L1) is Hindi, a language known for its phonetic consistency in speech and writing. As English continues to serve as a global medium of communication in various domains like business, science, politics, medicine, and technology, mastering its pronunciation with the correct accent becomes increasingly difficult for Hindi-speaking learners. The approach of this paper is to present a review of research work that has been done regarding L2 and L1 internationally, so that the gaps can be properly measured, and scope for future work can be identified.

Author Biographies

Dr. Poornima Arora

Associate Professor, Department Of Humanities, Prestige Institute of Management &Research, Bhopal


Ms. Deepti Tiwari

AssistantProfessor, Department Of Humanities,Jai Narain College of Technology, Bhopal

Jitendra Mewada

Assistant Professor, Department Of Humanities, Jai Narain College of Technology, Bhopal


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How to Cite
Dr. Poornima Arora, Ms. Deepti Tiwari, & Jitendra Mewada. (2024). “Study Of Phonemes For Native-Speakers: A Review". Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 687-691. Retrieved from https://www.veterinaria.org/index.php/REDVET/article/view/672