The Role Of TAM Factors In Predicting Intention To Use E-Recruitment Portals: A Survey-Based Study
The major goal of this study is to empirically investigate psychological variables that may influence people's intentions to utilise an online job search engine in accordance with the theory of planned be- haviour (TPB). Using a convenient sample of 334 graduates, the study's hypotheses were examined using structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings demonstrated that all independent varia- bles—attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, and self-efficacy—had a significant and favourable impact on people's desire to utilise online job search engines. In particular, it was dis- covered that subjective norms was one of the strongest characteristics to predict respondents' intention to use online recruiting portals in an Indian context, followed by self-efficacy, perceived behavioural control, and attitude. This study has examined various theoretical contributions and practical conse- quences for career counsellors and online recruitment service providers in line with the research find- ings. Some limitations and potential areas for future research are presented in the paper's conclusion.
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