Every year, cardiovascular disease claims the lives of millions of people worldwide and is the leading cause of illness and death. By interacting with vitamin D receptors (VDR), numerous physiological systems are significantly regulated by Vitamin D. Low plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels have been associated with Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), per epidemiological research studies. Moreover, low levels of Vitamin D increase parathyroid hormone, which increases insulin resistance and is connected to diabetes, hypertension, inflammation, and an increased risk of CVD, although there is contradictory data about the link between vitamin D levels and CVD. In this study, we investigate the relationship between Vitamin D deficiencies and CVD and associated risk factors that were concluded by several large-scale clinical trials and meta-analyses. Low plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels may be biomarkers for CVD in the future, however this is not yet known. The role of Vitamin D deficiency in increasing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is still up for dispute. Consequently, in order to identify the evidence relating to them, extensive, highly powered randomized controlled trials and research are required.
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