A Comprehensive Review of Biochar Production Methods and Its Application to Enhance Soil Fertility
A census of the biomass on Earth is key for understanding the structure and dynamics of the biosphere. The overall biomass composition of the biosphere establishes a census of the ≈550 gigatons of carbon (Gt C) of biomass distributed among all of the kingdoms of life. It includes plants (≈450 Gt C, the dominant kingdom) which are primarily terrestrial, whereas animals (≈2 Gt C) are mainly marine, and bacteria (≈70 Gt C) and archaea (≈7 Gt C) are predominantly located in deep subsurface environments.
Biochar plays a crucial role in enhancing crop growth and yield primarily through its effects on soil health and nutrient availability. When incorporated into soil, biochar improves water retention, increases nutrient retention capacity, and promotes microbial activity, thereby enhancing soil fertility. Its porous structure provides a habitat for beneficial microorganisms and promotes aeration, which supports root development and nutrient uptake by plants. Moreover, biochar helps mitigate soil acidity and can bind harmful substances, reducing their availability to plants. These combined benefits contribute to improved crop productivity, resilience to environmental stresses, and sustainable agricultural practices.
In developing countries, the large quantities of agricultural residues are currently utilised either as raw material for paper industry, or as animal feed sources. But generally since the collection and disposal of these residues are becoming more difficult and expensive, it is left unused as waste material or simply burned in the fields, thereby creating significant environmental problems. Pyrolysis of biomass is one of the most efficient technologies used to produce biofuels).The amount of crop residue produced in the world is estimated at 2802×106 Mg/year for cereal crops, 3107×106 Mg/year for 17 cereals and legumes, and 3758×106 Mg/year for 27 food crops.
India alone generates ~500 million metric tonnes (MT) of crop residue annually, of which 100 MT is burned. The practice of residue burning primarily occurs following the wheat and Rice harvest mostly in north western India. This is due to the tight schedule of the harvest-to-sowing transition under the predominant rice-wheat rotation cropping system in north western India has limited the rate of adoption of alternatives. Crop residue burning allows cheap and fast disposal of crop residue and therefore remains a recurring issue, as revealed by a ~60% increase in the number of agricultural fires detected by NASA’s Aqua satellite from 2002 to 2016. Several important reasons like short time span for sowing wheat, limited farm mechanisation, scarce manpower and poor acceptability of paddy straw as fodder are the root causes behind this residue burning. The consequences of residue burning leading to respiratory infections are among the leading causes of death and disability globally. Respirable aerosol particles released by agricultural crop-residue burning (ACRB), practiced by farmers in all global regions, are potentially harmful to human health.
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