Future Trends And Prospects Of Human Resource Management Vs Intelligence And Machine Learning
In the contemporary business landscape, the integration of technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), has evolved from a mere option to an essential component for the survival and growth of organizations. This significant shift has not only streamlined operations across various sectors but has also revolutionized Human Resource Management (HRM). AI and ML have become increasingly vital in optimizing supply chains and developing talent, embedding themselves deeply into numerous HR functions. HR professionals now face the challenge of achieving an optimal balance between human effort and automated processes, thereby creating more intuitive work environments that enhance productivity and decision-making capabilities.
This research paper explores the expanding role of AI and ML in HRM, leveraging insights from secondary data sources such as scholarly research, industry publications, and survey reports. By examining the seamless integration of AI and ML into various aspects of HR, the paper highlights the growing significance of these technologies. It also delves into the prospects and future trends that AI and ML introduce to human resource practices. As organizations strive to navigate this dynamic landscape, the adoption of AI and ML in HRM is not merely a passing trend but a strategic necessity for maintaining competitiveness in the ever-evolving business ecosystem.
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